Wednesday 17 December 2014

What is a target audience?

What is an audience?
An audience is the people that will view a media text and gain some sort of sense out of it. An example would be people that watch movies. The people viewing the movie would be the audience as they will view the film and gain some sort of sense out of the film.

How do we define target audience?
A target audience would be who a media text aim their product to. This is usually done by setting out a a specific group of people outlining the gender, age and other stuff.

Why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?
It's useful for a film to have a target audience because without a target audience, the director won't know what the film should be about and what the storyline should include. Target audiences are useful because it's what makes the film. Without a target audience, you wouldn't know who to aim your film at and also you wouldn't know what to include in your film to gain an audience for the film.

Which audiences to you think teen dramas appeal to?
I think teen dramas appeal to teenagers because teenagers then get to see how other teenagers live their teenage years. Teen dramas would also appeal to young adults as they were once teens. Teen dramas would also appeal to both genders as both genders can relate to being a teenager.

Who do you think are the target audiences for the teen dramas?
I think the target audiences for teen dramas are teens as well as young adults.

Why do you think they are the target audience?

Napoleon Dynamite is an example of a teen drama. The demographics for someone who would watch Napoleon Dynamite would be a young female adult aged 25-39.  This is definitely a target audience for teen dramas as they can relate to what happens. This is also research that young adults are target audience for teen dramas.

American Pie is an example of a teen drama. Research shows that the demographics for American is a young male adult aged 25-39. This shows that young adults are target audiences of teen dramas.

Kidulthood is another example of a teen drama. Research shows that the demographics for Kidulthood goes from teenage years to young adult years and years being 18-24. This brings in teenagers to being target audiences for teen dramas.

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