Friday, 20 March 2015

Evaluation question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The different technologies that I used for the title sequence would be Final Cut Pro, Motion, Gargeband, camera, video drive and memory card. Although we used so many technologies for the process of constructing the media product, we believe that there were only several technologies that were very important, that would be the camera, Final Cut Pro, Motion and Gargeband.

Final Cut Pro is a non-linear video editing software. Garageband is a software application that allows users to create music or podcasts. Motion is a software application produced by Apple for their Mac OS X operating system. It is used to create and edit motion graphics, titling for video production and film production, and 2D and 3D compositing for visual effects.

Final Cut Pro was the technology that was used to edit the title sequence merging the different videos we shot to form the title sequence. From Final Cut Pro, we also edited the title sequence making some of them being able to fade adding effect to the film opening. Motion was the technology that we used to make the title sequence credits. This was then added to the Final Cut Pro to build everything together to make the film opening. Gargeband was the technology that was used to make the foley sounds for the film opening which added the effects of cars driving past and clothes being put on as well, we also used it to make the voice over at the beginning of our film opening. Camera was the technology that was used to shoot the whole of the film opening making the different scenes.

All the technologies that was used were very useful but the most useful one would have to be the camera and Final Cut Pro. This is because without the camera, we wouldn't be able to film the whole film opening. Final Cut pro is also very important because without Final Cut Pro, we wouldn't be able to edit the whole videos that we had shot for the film opening. The most creative would be Motion because using Motion, you can make your film opening credits look like anything especially with making the distribution company and production company. The least useful would have to be Gargeband, this is because what we done on Gargeband, we could have used youtube to find cars driving by and clothes being put on.

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